Positive Reflection
Think Positively! Here’s why.
Today I pause, reflect and reset where i need to
I know I am free to start over again at any time.
Today, more than two and half months have passed at the Amal career Prep fellowship journey. During this splendid time, I learned numerous things from our Assistance Program Manager (Hira Athar) , Program Associate (Rizwan Maqsood) and Amal fellow batch mates, and particularly from courses that Amal has designed.
The purpose of creating such courses is to probe into yourself, explore who you are, your potentials, approach to different entities, way of perception, and behavioral attitude. Most significant is socialization, how Amal teaches you to be a social person and a social activist. When a clueless person enters the course, she learns things she had no idea of before.
I have covered many things. Like, How to ace your interview (Resume building, cover Letter), identify Goals (Personal, Professional) , problem-solving skills, passenger series, entrepreneur mindset, mentorship and networking, Teamwork(MVTP, Leadership), technical skills, and specially Jugaad.
This course has upgraded me by polishing my skills via group discussion, fun activities, energizer , learning tasks, working on different projects , and online courses. Everything was structured fully in order to avoid loopholes, and subsequently, we had good learning experiences. But as you know , each person has a different persona, a different schema of observing things, and moments in their lives that have impacted them or even reflect them in their day-to-day lives. In my case, I also have something to share with you and have changed my life.
What was the instance that had the most impact on you?
The instance that has a significant effect on me is to identify my goals correctly.
What about this incident made you think about yourself and the way you see things around you?
It is not that easy to assess yourself, realize your potentials , and then identify them to polish more. I have identified my goals, which are personal and professional. The difficulty that I faced was to be aware of what I want, because since I started this Fellowship, I was clueless, confused , and was unaware. Since I am interested in writing poems, so relevant to that my goals are to become a lecturer and content writer. Giving us this activity to identify your goals was not an easy task. When you look into yourself and then you go deeper to take something out, that is your hidden talent , so you put yourself in a difficult situation and probe into that. There, self-realization takes place and Amal’s journey has succeeded in finding our WHY . I see things as how I am supposed to see them. Shakespeare says, ” Beauty lies in the beholder of eyes,” which means whatever pleases you might be ordinary to another. So my approach to see things have become different and turned into a new disposition. Everything is now visible and positive.
How much of this realization was the result of the way the other people/person around you acted and exhibited their energy?
Self-realization is a sense of autonomy, being genuine and self-expression which is necessary. To bring clarity and meaning to your work makes you a committed and well-being person. Besides this, whatever you tried to do for yourself reflects you in the outer world. Likewise, I have identified my goals and have a positive approach to different things now. As Human beings are diverse and complex, so for self-awareness, we should develop an understanding of ourselves in many areas. When there is a set-example, then you put less effort in recognizing that area.
To identify my goals, I have come across many people and I urged myself to get my goals. I put myself in a tough situation. To reflect on myself, I briefed my friends and people around me to reassure their goals, identify worthiness and work on who you are, resultantly a positive attitude I have seen. To live a life, you need to have a purpose to live in. Those who are around me, see a wonderful change in my personality. I feel this change is a remarkable change in my life. I want everybody to experience this pleasant feeling.

Looking back, how do you think you would do things differently?
When a person knows her/his direction, then things get easy and approachable. If I am specific in my goals, I can seize that moment to act on my goals and have grit to achieve success. My goals are specific, which is to become a lecturer and content writer. There is no ambiguity, if I am applying for any post or want to write something, I have to follow proper mechanisms in order to achieve that desirable goal.
Earlier, I wasn’t sure about myself, about what I want, or what I am inclined to do. Being in the present situation, I am sure about myself and my perception of seeing things has become different, achievable, approachable and positive.